The Shobitam Give Program aims to make the world a better place, one order at a time.

Keeping this in mind, Shobitam has collaborated with Shanti Bhavan Children's Project.

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About Shanti Bhavan

Based in Bengaluru, India, Shanti Bhavan empowers children from impoverished backgrounds to take control of their lives and bring positive change to their families and communities. Each child receives 17 years of educational intervention, from the age of four until they graduate from college and begin their career. Shanti Bhavan’s commitment extends from the children’s first day of school to the first day of work in their adulthood. Shanti Bhavan levels the playing field, allowing the children to compete in the global marketplace on their own merit.

Shanti Bhavan represents a radical change from conventional short-term basic literacy educational models: they promote academic achievement, instill values of global citizenship, and emphasize leadership development. Their program gives individual attention to every aspect of a child’s upbringing: emotional development, mental and physical fitness, social and cognitive growth, and academic excellence.

Shanti Bhavan provides the tools and support for the children to escape poverty. Their graduates are entrepreneurs, authors, engineers, and employees at multinational corporations like Amazon, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Mercedes-Benz.

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